
Type of Contributions (For: LAMBDA D-R-E-A-M Program )

  • Standard Donation Request: Individual monetary gift for program sustainability and award recognition.

  • Corporate Donation Request: Large and small organizations monetary gifts for program sustainability and operational commitments.

  • Individual Sponsorship Request: Entities that directly endorse the LAMBDA D-R-E-A-M program and contributes to community projects and scholarships.

  • Volunteer Time Request: Professional and personal time and supplies use to support LAMBDA D-R-E-A-M initiatives

  • Lambda D-R-E-A-M contribution levels and sponsor packages can be found in our SOP Fundraising Campaign Initiative. Select the button below to inquire about external and internal stakeholders charitable donors.

Administration Responsibility and Security Procedures

Privacy Information

  • We take your privacy seriously and do not store any professional or personal information when contributions are made through this website.

  • We only collect the information you provide and we process it with your consent, or on another legal basis, the minimum amount of information is required to complete the interaction and/or transaction, we don't sell it to third parties and only use it within the scope of this privacy statement. We comply with global privacy practices and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) maintaining standards of privacy protection to all users domestic and international.

  • Encrypt electronic codes will confirm the transaction made as a second layer of security after the transaction is completed and verified by our financial department.

  • If you have any concerns regarding personally identifiable information (PII), or sensitive personal information (SPI), please contact our cybersecurity manager

Dr. Wayne Marcus @ 805-312-3690 all voice messages will promptly.

To Donate to the Lambda D-R-E-A-M program please click here:

Bank Information

  • Name of Bank: Bank of America

  • Donation Refund Policy: Donation refunds are approved by the CEO and DFO only.

Lambda D-R-E-A-M Inc.

43232 Corte Cabrera Temecula, Ca 92592

Please contact for all financial inquires:

DFO: Everett M Mays, (C) 619-248-6930

Steps for Contributions

1. Connect to the secured hyperlink below.

2. Follow the instructions.

3. Thanks for supporting the LAMBDA D-R-E-A-M non-profit organization.

4. If you require IRS documentation such as written acknowledgment, we follow the IRS charitable contribution guidance using this link; if you or your organization require this documentation or other forms associated with IRS charitable contribution. Please send your request to Lambda D-R-E-A-M Academy Superintendent @

(ICO IRS Charitable Contributions)

43232 Corte Cabrera Temecula, Ca 92592

Terms and Conditions

Additional Contributions Options

1. Cashapp: $LambdaDREAM

2. Paypal Link:

3. Paypal email:

Terms and Conditions

Quick Links

Contact us:

KLC website: